Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why did I start this blog?

Welcome if you dare,

I'll tell you what the motivation was.

It was an incident involving an article on a political blog, that had to with one of the current republican presidential candidates becoming emotional when reminded of his late father.

The blogger, who's opinion I normally respect, pontificated that he was just trying to keep up with the likes of a silly and narcissistic crocodile tear, that Hillary Clinton shed, when she became emotional after loosing the Iowa caucuses.

I realized, that, there are certain elements of our 24/7 media driven sound bite culture, that not only benefit from chaos, but even become trapped in a cycle of chaos driven salaries, so much so, that they cannot separate fact from fiction.

And, for them it becomes a self-fulfilling salaried prophecy. They see many "wrongs" that they have to correct, from which, during reporting of the same, they of course make a profit.

I mean nobody can blame them for trying to make a living.

It's like the cobbler that sells you a replacement heel for a certain price... you're happy, he is happy. But, what he doesn't tell you, is that there is another choice of heel, that for 25 cents more will last twice as long.

So you are sitting there watching or reading the news and you think... oh yea go get'em.. expose those bad people.

But what you don't realize, is, that you are not being given privy to information that totally changes the perspective, even so far as to make the "guilty party" not guilty!

Well with that I won't keep you under suspense any longer.

Here is the link to the above mentioned blog disparaging the candidate for tearing up.

And here is the headline with comments, in where, if you page down, you will see my comment handle named "McGuyver".

There is a pause in the middle of my first comment posted, in where I came over here and just promptly started this blog.

Now, if you want to know more about me you can click on "view my complete profile".

If that doesn't make you happy, then you can email me at the address posted below and I might, maybe, possibly, if I feel like it, email you back.

If for whatever reason I don't feel like it, then I'll just leave you a comment (if that) here, addressing you by your handle.

If you want to know how to search for all of my comments on that blog over there, I'll even tell you how, that is, if I feel like it.

You can even leave me a comment here, anonymously, telling me whatever the hell you want.
I might even respond, depending on how I feel at the time.

Now go listen to some music, support my Alms for Musicians effort, go out and pursue happiness and give other people the same freedom.



1 comment:

Pow said...

This is actually the second time I ended up at this page. The first time my laptop went out. Then I couldn't find it again. I'm also a member of HotAir & MM.HA for about a year, MM since last summer I think.
Anyway, I followed your link to a poll you were running and saw the post about why you started this blog, and I could have written it. If you go back to MM, my comment is under PowWow, near the bottom of the page. There's 2 in a row. I don't comment as much as I used to over there, because at the beginning of this campaign, I used to support Hunter. Just kept getting told by the Fredheads he had no chance, support Fred! Before he was even in. Well I didn't.
I grew tired of it. I still read and occassionally logged in. But along the way I started supporting Romney. Sent him some money a few times. Actually a strong supporter now, for a while.
I'm not a kid. I'm 47 and I voted for Reagan proudly twice and never looked back. I live in Mass. And I'd definitely in the minority here. Even among people that call themselves Mass conservatives. I just had to tell you that you do a great job with your blogs. Look forward to seeing you at HotAir & MM too. I've found myself with some time recently. maybe we can wake some people up. Thanks and sorry for going on so long.