Friday, January 11, 2008

Please send me chaos monger stories


Welcome to all who dare enter in.

Welcome to my attempt to create order in the world.

That's right.

You can help me by sending me tips on news/events/stories that prove some people are trying to create chaos.. not to.... get this, make our life better... but to profit from it!

So fire them off to my email at:

Interesting dichotomy of words huh: Chaos vs. music?

That's right... what I do when I've had a particularly chaotic day or if I want inspiration, is, I turn on some really really good instrumental music.

At those moments I don't want to hear jack, nothing. No voice, no noise, no bullshit from talking heads on TV or irritating people, nada, zilch.... cold turkey menu only.

Peace and serenity at all cost. Because what I've discovered in life is that, time... is no respecter of persons. It just keeps on going.

And the only way it stops, is when I make it stop!

Yeah I know, talking heads and bloggers have to make a living too... sometimes I feel sorry for them... [sigh].

But when I'm in my peaceful place, I don't give a rats flying rump or a bat's sitting ass how starved or depraved anybody might be.

Don't care.

It doesn't matter.

Nothing matters ultimately anyway.

There is a time for everything.. including realizing the truth of the statement, "NOTHING MATTERS".

I'll be posting here whenever I feel like it.

I leave for periods of time to work on projects - sometimes out of town - or go fishing or do whatever the hell I damn well please, and that includes being away from the computer as well.

So never mind if I don't respond to your emails or comments.

It doesn't matter anyway.

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